Mathias Trabandt

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Welcome to my website.

I am a Professor of Macroeconomics at Goethe University Frankfurt

I am a Research Fellow at the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) and the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR).

My fields of interest are macroeconomics, monetary economics, public economics, labor economics, international macroeconomics, financial frictions, applied econometrics, and epidemics.

I am serving as an Associate Editor at the Review of Economic Dynamics. 

I am a member of the Epidemic Macro Model Database project (joint with Volker Wieland and team). Check out the new model comparison platform for epidemic macro models:

Call for applications: Goethe Macro Training School Workshop on Heterogeneous-Agent Macroeconomics, June 24-26, 2024, in Frankfurt (Germany) with workshop instructors Adrien Auclert (Stanford University), Matthew Rognlie (Northwestern University), and Ludwig Straub (Harvard University). 


February 2025: new paper ''Banks and the State-Dependent Effects of Monetary Policy'' (with M. Eichenbaum, F. Puglisi, and S. Rebelo). 

March 2024: new paper ''Monetary Policy and Inflation Scares'' (with C. Erceg and J. Lindé).

March 2024: new paper ''Inflation, Inequality, and the Business Cycle'' (with C. Lindemann and S. Semik).

February 2024: Call for applications: Goethe Macro Training School Workshop on Heterogeneous-Agent Macroeconomics, June 24-26, 2024, in Frankfurt (Germany).

October 2023: new paper ''Sticky Prices or Sticky Wages? An Equivalence Result'' (with F. Bilbiie).

August 2023: new publication ''Expectations, Infections, and Economic Activity'' (with M. Eichenbaum, M. Godinho de Matos, F. Lima, and S. Rebelo). 

May 2023: new publication ''Understanding Post-Covid Inflation Dynamics'' (with M. Harding and J. Lindé).

April 2023: substantially revised version available of ''Understanding Post-Covid Inflation Dynamics'' (with M. Harding and J. Lindé).

March 2023: substantially revised version available of  ''Expectations, Infections, and Economic Activity'' (with M. Eichenbaum, M. Godinho de Matos, F. Lima, and S. Rebelo). 

May 2022: new paper ''Understanding Post-Covid Inflation Dynamics'' (with M. Harding and J. Lindé).

April 2022: new paper ''Expectations, Infections, and Economic Activity'' (with M. Eichenbaum, M. Godinho de Matos, F. Lima and S. Rebelo). 

February 2022: new publication ''The Macroeconomics of Testing and Quarantining'' (with M. Eichenbaum and S. Rebelo). 

January 2022: new publication ''Epidemics in the New Keynesian Model'' (with M. Eichenbaum and S. Rebelo). 

December 2021: Epidemic Macro Model Database (Epi-MMB) launched (joint with Volker Wieland and team). Check out the new model comparison platform for epidemic macro models here:

September 2021: new publication ''Resolving the Missing Deflation Puzzle'' (with M. Harding and J. Lindé).

August 2021: new publication ''Inequality in Life and Death'' (with M. Eichenbaum and S. Rebelo). 


July 2021: new version available for ''Inequality in Life and Death'' (with M. Eichenbaum and S. Rebelo). 

April 2021: new position as Professor of Macroeconomics at Goethe University Frankfurt.


April 2021: new publication ''The Macroeconomics of Epidemics'' (with M. Eichenbaum and S. Rebelo).


April 2021: new publication ''Why is Unemployment so Countercyclical?'' (with L. Christiano and M. Eichenbaum).


April 2021: new version available for ''The Macroeconomics of Testing and Quarantining'' (with M. Eichenbaum and S. Rebelo).


December 2020: new paper ''Inequality in Life and Death'' (with M. Eichenbaum and S. Rebelo). 

October 2020: new paper ''How do People Respond to Small Probability Events with Large, Negative Consequences?'' (with M. Eichenbaum, M. Godinho de Matos, F. Lima and S. Rebelo). 

August 2020: new version and replication codes available for ''The Macroeconomics of Testing and Quarantining'' (with M. Eichenbaum and S. Rebelo).


June 2020: new paper ''Epidemics in the Neoclassical and New Keynesian Models'' (with M. Eichenbaum and S. Rebelo). Replication codes available too.


May 2020: new publication ''Involuntary Unemployment and the Business Cycle'' (with L. Christiano and K. Walentin).


April 2020: new paper ''The Macroeconomics of Testing and Quarantining'' (with M. Eichenbaum and S. Rebelo).


April 2020: new version and replication codes available for ''The Macroeconomics of Epidemics'' (with M. Eichenbaum and S. Rebelo).


March 2020: new paper ''The Macroeconomics of Epidemics'' (with M. Eichenbaum and S. Rebelo).


January 2020: new paper ''Why is Unemployment so Countercyclical?'' (with L. Christiano and M. Eichenbaum).


September 2019: new version of ''Resolving the Missing Deflation Puzzle'' (with M. Harding and J. Lindé).


July 2018: new publication ''On DSGE Models'' (with L. Christiano and M. Eichenbaum).

December 2017: new publication ''Should We Use Linearized Models To Calculate Fiscal Multipliers?'' (with J. Lindé).

April 2017: ''Understanding the Great Recession'' (with L. Christiano and M. Eichenbaum) wins 2017 Best Paper Award at the American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics.,


March 2016: new publication ''Unemployment and Business Cycles'' (with L. Christiano and M. Eichenbaum).

March 2016: new publication ''The Macroeconomic Risks of Undesirably Low Inflation'' (with J. Arias and C. Erceg).